Thursday, April 7, 2011

It's Follow Friday! #11

Yes, it's that time of the week again! It's Follow Friday which is hosted by Parajunkee. The question of the week is:
Do you judge a book by its cover?
I'm completely guilty of this. If a cover catches my eye, I'm much more inclined to pick it up. However, I won't pick up a book just because of its cover. In the same sense, a book with a "bad" cover but an interesting plot, I'll still pick it up.


  1. New follower hopping through. Hope you'll come visit me at

  2. I am usually drawn to the books with pretty covers first, but I always read the covers before I buy!

  3. Awesome blog name im a YA lover too!! Happy FF!!

  4. Hi. I'm stopping through on Follow Friday and am a new follower. I am a lit major, as well, and it looks as though we have similar taste in books. I've fallen for the pretty cover trap plenty of times. It's often difficult not to judge by the cover, but it does happen.

    Marla @ Starting the Next Chapter

  5. Isn't it the worst when you are sooo excited to read a book because the cover is gorgeous and then it turns out to be a bust? Argh, that's the worst haha...

    I am a new follower and actually this is my first Follow Me Friday! It's nice meeting you, please feel free to stop by my new book blog and let me know what you think :) Have a great weekend!

  6. Hi, hi! I am your newest follower for the FF/hop and it would be super-great if you stopped by my blog to follow me as well. Thanks! :)

    -Sandra from

  7. Hopping through. I love great covers. Bad covers won't kill a book, but definitely hurt it.
    My Hop
    Get a free download of Wings by Aprilynn Pike at my blog!

  8. I totally judge a book by its cover and am not ashamed to admit it! LOL

    I will defiantly be following you! Please stop by my blog and say hi! I dont bite!

    Paranormal Romance


  9. Yes, I surely do judge a book by the cover. Not always but more often then not. I'm known for not reading synopsis so if your cover doesn't show me what I want to know or if someone doesn't recommend it... chances are I'm reading someone else's book.

    Please do stop by for a crumpet, find out about a new MeMe & to check out my newest giveaway :)

    Mad Scientist
    Steampunkery & Book Reviews
    Forbidden Steam  Adult- even the Mad Scientist gets naughty!

  10. New follower here! Just hopping by for follow friday! Check out my blog: :)

  11. I'm guilty also!
    I'm a new follower :)

    Come visit my blog if you have time.

  12. Hi Kristen! Old follower here!

    For me, it is the cover and the title that tempt me to read the blurb. If the blurb reads great, I'll grab the book. I remember the first time I saw Harry Potter's book covers, I was like, O_o...not sure if I liked them. Love the inside but the covers weren't really to my taste.
    Happy Follow Friday!!!
    You can check out my website and to see what kind of books I write.
    I have two other pen names,
    L.J.Leger -
    Jadette Paige - and

  13. New follower via Parajunkee! Have a great weekend!

  14. It's the first thing that attracts you to the book, guilty of it.

    stop and see mine and my giveaways.

  15. I'm the same way, the pretty cover will catch my eye and get picked up. I have learned to never buy a book based off of the cover though. I'm already a follower! My FF is at Coffee Table Reviews

  16. New follower! I always judge a book by it's cover! I can't help it; I'm superficial like that, haha :) But a book is a book no matter what! Have a happy weekend!

    Crystal @ Elegantly Bound Books

  17. It's definitely hard not to judge a book by its cover since there are so many gorgeous ones out there. I've found though that some of the less gorgeous indie books I've been asked to read can be MUCH better than many gorgeous-covered ones.

    Happy Follow Friday! I'm a new follower. I hope you'll check out my blog too!

    Jenny @ Into The Morning Reads

  18. I do let the covers affect my initial opinion. But after I've read what's inside, my mind can be changed.
    I'm a new follower! Happy Follow me Fridays!

  19. Cute blog! :]

    I'm guilty of judging a book by its cover, too. Bright colors just seem to catch my eyes.


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